Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Only Way Out/ Feedback Loops 1/5/20

Right now I’m trying to go back through my notes but I can’t really figure out how to separate the two topics in my title, so I’m just going to talk about what I remember being talked about and hopefully it’ll end up relating to both of the topics. In the documentary, there was a solution presented to combat the media selling things to teens by limiting the media's ability to use it. What they presented was something that was so offensive that there was no way anyone would want to hear it. I guess that’s one way to avoid getting involved with the feedback loop, but the music and identity created put of this is extremely violent and vulgar. It’s not what teens should feel connected off of. I get that it’s a big thing that they found a way to escape the loop, but if you take that away, it’s just hate. Of course the media wouldn’t want to sell that because no one wants it.

But even then, that still fails. The band in the documentary was proof of it. The Insane Clown Posse prided theirselves off of that and in the end became mainstream. I feel like because they went against their message, there isn't really a valid message from their identity anymore. They were against the commercial identity but ended up going mainstream. What they built their band off of has no truth or meaning to it. You can’t say something and go back on that, and then expect that your fans are still loyal. Well, maybe those fans were still loyal I’m not really sure. The band definitely had to change something about what they put out though. I can’t imagine that if they kept everything the same that they would grow. I hope that there isn’t that much hate in the world and also, like we’ve learned in advertising, it constantly has to change to stay relevant and effective.

It was also said in class that things like YouTube or SoundCloud was supposed to be a way out. Looking at those things now, they are definitely not. There are ads all over Youtube and before every video. Brands have youtubers talking about their product in the video. I'm not as familiar with SoundCloud, but it doesn't seem as small as it was before. I don’t thing there really will ever be something that isn’t affected by media. Even if there was another attempt and it works, it won’t last for long. Becoming successful and making money has taken over a lot of peoples reasons for being on these platforms. Even if it starts out as just wanting to share content, I think that for many, it becomes about money. Or, advertisers make it about money. Then these people that became popular on this media see that there’s a way to make money off of doing what they love. No one would reject the idea of getting to do those things together. Also, when you get successful, advertisers are going to want to use you.

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